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Home Maintenance Checklist - Fall Edition


Every season can take a toll on your homes interior and exterior, but the Okanagan summer heat can be particularly tough on your home. When the dog days of summer give way to the cool breeze of fall, be sure to take some time to give your property a once-over to make the necessary repairs it deserves. Here are a few maintenance tips and tricks that are important to perform and look out for prior to those upcoming winter months.

Interior Maintenance:

Furnace & Filters - Have your heating system inspected by a professional to ensure proper maintenance and efficiency of the unit. Change your filter every three months keeping air-borne debris and allergens out of your home. Wipe down air vents and registers for better air quality and fire safety.

Detectors - Most cost effective ways to ensure the safety of you and your home is to install appropriate detectors. Test smoke detectors and replace with new batteries approximately once a year. Install a carbon monoxide detector if your home contains any gas appliances.

Exercise Breakers - You want to prevent rust and debris from accumulating and corroding your breakers contacts. Neglect this and you may find the breaker fails to trip or shut off power when there is an overload to the system - causing shorts and potential fire. Flip each break on and off one at a time.

Doors and Windows - Cleaning your windows is also a create way to inspect them. Make caulking repairs for any gaps where warm or cold air could escape. Replace weather stripping and door sweeps on your exterior doors sealing all air leaks, keeping insects out and utility bills low.

Ceiling Fans - Change the direction of your ceiling fan to create an upward draft that redistributes warm air from the ceiling. Clean your humidifiers regularly during the heating season. Bacteria and spores can develop in a dirty water tank resulting in unclean moisture misting out into your room.

Exterior Maintenance:

Gutters and Downspouts - Gutter debris can create tremendous problems if not cleaned regularly. I suggest running a hose through your gutters and spouting to check systems integrity. A stream of water really does take the path of of least resistance, to prevent that path from being your homes foundation make sure downspouts and gutters are clean of leaves and vegetation. Consider installing gutter guards to eliminate debris but be sure to perform a seasonal check to ensure no clogs have accumulated under the guard.

Foundation - Water can enter is small cracks and holes in foundation and over time can cause significant damage to your home. Seal all holes and cracks on an annual basis to protect your homes foundation.

Drain Faucets - By draining your external faucets you can drastically reduce the chance of water pipes freezing, swelling and bursting and causing significant damage. To minimize the risk of freeze damage to your irrigation system, you'll need to "winterize" your irrigation system. Irrigation systems in areas where "winterization" is mandatory are installed using one of three types of water removal in mind: manual drain, auto drain, or blowout.

Roof - Go beyond a visual inspection by checking your roof for soft spots and testing the integrity of the shingles. Curling or brittle shingles, shingles falling off, or stones found in the gutters and downspouts are some signs that your roof needs replacing. Check soffits for dis-coloration from a potential leak also inspect your attic for any ceiling stains that might also spell trouble.

Deck - Fall time is a great time to remove debris buildup on your deck, clean your deck boards thoroughly and apply a sealant stain after removing deck furniture. Look out for curling, loose joints, and fittings, inspecting overall deck stability.

Siding - Buckling siding, blistering paint or other surface anomalies can be an indication of serious problems. Inspect your siding thoroughly. Holes can mean insect infestations, fading can mean its time to upgrade, and mold or mildew can indicate water damage. Don't wait until its too cold to replace or repair your siding.

A/C Unit - Remove debris such as leaves and paper that could reduce the chances of animals and/or insects creating a home under your A/C cover - this will also ensure a better unit efficiency next time in use. Cover the unit with a fitted cover for winter weather and storage.

Garbage & Recycle - Animals and rodents have a strong sense of smell, and colder weather can create desperation among certain species, especially mice. Hosing off and cleaning out your outdoor bins will reduce any temptations critters may have eliminating problems in other areas of your home.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact me.Your investment is our priority!


Escape Home Services - Karlyn Fisher


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